A big news to all who are into high throughput sequencing (HTS) and has collaboration with BGI
About a week ago, Mayo clinic won the Prometheus's patent war [1].
Briefly, medical test that rely on correlation alone is not eligible for patent. Only those with go beyond reciting the law of nature but also to apply such law can be patented.
Dennis Lo firstly found fetal DNA could be detected from maternal blood. His team published high throughput sequencing based test on Trisomy 21 in STM in 2010 and validated on a large cohort in 2011 [2] [3]. Subsequently they patented the method.
Today, CUHK has declared war on BGI, claiming they infringe their the patent on using HTS based method to diagnose trisomy 21.
CUHK claimed they possess the exclusive right on using HTS to diagnose Trisomy 21 (The patent was hold by Dennis Lo and in part by Sequenom, where Dennis Lo is in its scientific advisory board).
CUHK currently holds the patent in Hong Kong. CUHK has also filed patent in China, but that is still under review. BGI claimed CUHK will never get the patent in China (why? you guess it). BGI further claims they also contributed to the research. But note that BGI only has a name on the second BMJ paper. It is elusive how much the director of BGI could contribute to this project. 2 speculations, (1) BGI actually contributed a lot to this project but they did not get a lot of authorship, or (2) BGI has a name on it simply because of the CUHK-BGI collaboration that started several years ago.
This war raise the question again on what can be patented. Obviously on trisomy 21 subject, you got more sequence reads because of the extra chromosome. Using clinical cases to establish the normal boundary would not be that difficult. Is this HTS based method just demonstrating correlation alone? Does it hold sufficient innovation beyond reciting the law of nature?
No matter what, I am worry about the grim future collaboration between CUHK and BGI, especially the Institute of Trans-Omic?
The news about "CUHK versus BGI" is in traditional Chinese, as attached below.
無創驗唐氏症 中大稱被假冒
在華大基因的網頁可見,「無創性產前基因檢測」已在內地多個省市,包括深圳和天津廣泛推行,總理溫家寶亦曾表示支持華大的研究成果,能助天津市成為第一個世界上沒有「唐娃娃」 (唐氏綜合症)城市的目標,甚至推至全國各地。
[1] Justices Back Mayo Clinic Argument on Patents
[2] Maternal Plasma DNA Sequencing Reveals the Genome-Wide Genetic and Mutational Profile of the Fetus
[3] Non-invasive prenatal assessment of trisomy 21 by multiplexed maternal plasma DNA sequencing: large scale validity study
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